hi all :) well my name is molly riley && im a freshman at the university of memphis. go tigers! i was born in the mtown && moved to the state of m-i-crooked letter-crooked letter-i-crooked letter-crooked letter-i-humpback-humpback-i. i was raised in desoto county && attended desoto central elementary, middle && high school. while there i cheered from 6th grade to 11th && was an active member in many clubs.
my definition of life. FUN. always enjoy it. i live by it. a recipe to a happy life. LAUGHTER. i giggle constantly. my favorite saying is live.laugh.love.lipstick!
i heart sports. my dream is to work for ESPN && be the girl on the sidelines interviewing the players!
i enjoy anything pink, animal print, sprite, hot chocolate, summertime :), candy, daisies, shopping for school supplies, shopping, period., chick flicks, dancing, laughing, the boyfriend, laying out, playing basketball, driving with the windows down and the music up, && much much more!